Saturday, May 25, 2013

Busy traveling and geocaching!

I realize how horrible it is that I've not posted anything to my brand new blog in six months, but I've been doing what I love the most:  Traveling and geocaching, and geocaching while traveling.  I didn't think it would be that big of a deal to slack off since I don't have any followers (YET, she said optimistically).  So now I need to catch up on the last six months as well as the 40 years prior to that.

OK, so traveling... pretty basic, no need to explain.  But what I DO get asked all the time, "What the heck is geocaching?"  Well, it is a global scavenger hunt, of sorts.  Not too tough to figure out (if you go to the official website, there is about a 2 minute video explaining it), basically people use satellites and GPS coordinates to hide and find "caches", of which there are 2-million hidden all over the world. They can range from the size of an acorn up to a 5-gallon paint bucket, and in addition to a log to be signed by the finder, people leave and trade trinkets and 'trackables'.  There are also special events planned for the caching community.  I recently attended my first event a couple of months ago: the annual Geo-Poker Run here in Vegas. Then while in Florida last month, I attended another and then this past weekend, a few more while in Rachel, Nevada. 

My mom actually introduced me to the hobby and I fell in love with it instantly.  For the first couple of months, mom didn't get out of the car, but would humor me if we were traveling. I finally got her out of the car and got HER addicted and now we obsess about it together. Today I got my 600th find.  Honestly, I feel guilty if I miss a day, LOL.  It's a great hobby for the single person and families.  It can be free (I started with a free membership and a free app on my cellphone as a GPS) or you can put as much into it as you want (the high end GPS unit; I use a fairly inexpensive one...the Garmin Oregon 450, but admit I'm still learning how to work it). I will say that we don't leave the house or plan a vacation without knowing where all the caches are ahead of time!

At any rate, I will try to do a bit better about keeping up on my blogs.  I have no plans of going anywhere exciting for the next month or so, so perhaps boredom will send me to it. I need to blog about Area 51, EPCOT and our kick-ass hotel deal, Florida, San Francisco and a couple of other short trips I've had in the past 6 months.  Stay tuned...

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